
The 15th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials
2014-03-27 23:00  


General Information:

The Fifteenth International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials (RQ15) will be held 24-28 August, 2014 in Shanghai, China. RQ15 is the next conference in the long triennial series of RQ conferences. Previous RQ conferences were held in Brela, 1970; Boston, 1975; Brighton, 1978; Sendai, 1981; Würzburg, 1984; Montreal, 1987; Stockholm, 1990; Sendai, 1993; Bratislava, 1996; Bangalore, 1999; Oxford, 2002; Jeju Island, 2005, Dresden, 2008 and Salvador, 2011. The RQ conference series originally arose to satisfy the need for a forum for the rapidly quenched metals community, which grew explosively in the 1970s, and since 1990s, has expanded to researchers working with metastable materials prepared by other methods such as mechanical alloying, gas condensation, thin film fabrication techniques and even “slow” quenching (for making bulk metallic glasses).


RQ15 will provide a comprehensive forum of fundamental and applied research, development and industrial applications of synthesis, processing, microstructure and properties of rapidly quenched metallic materials, bulk metallic glasses and metastable materials prepared by other methods, especially those by mechanical alloying, powder processing, and thin film fabrication. The sessions will include plenary and invited lectures given by internationally distinguished scientists as well as oral and poster presentations. An exhibition of materials, equipment and services closely related to the community of research, development and applications of rapidly quenched metallic materials and other metastable materials is also planned to promote interaction between researchers and industry.



(1) Synthesis and Processing:

- Rapid solidification

- Spray forming

- Mechanical alloying

-Powder/nanopowder synthesis, processing and consolidation

-Casting of bulk metallic glasses

-Thin film and coating fabrication

- Melt structure and relaxation studies

- Thermodynamics and phase transformation studies

- Modeling of RQ and other metastable materials  processing


 (2) Materials

- Bulk metallic glasses and composites

- Rapidly quenched materials

- Nanoparticles

- Quasicrystals

- Complex metallic alloys

- Thin films and coatings

- Nanostructured and ultrafine structured materials


 (3) Properties and Applications

- Mechanical properties and behavior

- Magnetic and other physical properties

-Chemical properties (Corrosion, biocompatibility etc.)

-Modeling of composition-microstructure-property relationships

- Applications of RQ and other metastable materials as energy materials

- Other applications


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