
韦修勋同学Acta Materialia发文讲述共晶凝固理论研究的新进展

2015年06月12日 17:35 李金富 点击:[]



最近,课题组题为“过冷共晶合金凝固过程中重熔导致的反常共晶形成”的论文(作者:韦修勋,林鑫,徐万强,黄起森,Michael Ferry,李金富,周尧和)被国际著名学术期刊Acta Materialia接受并发表(2015年,95卷,44-56页),工作得到了审稿人和编辑的高度赞扬和肯定




非平衡凝固理论是课题组的主要研究方向之一,在过去的十余年间,课题组围绕共晶生长理论模型、凝固组织演化、凝固界面形态以及亚稳相形成等问题,进行了大量研究,成果陆续发表于Acta MaterialiaMetallurgical and MaterialsTransaction A等刊物,产生了较大的影响。



Anomalous eutectics are argued to form due tothe remelting of the primary solid during solidification of deeply undercooledeutectic alloy melts. As an indicator of the tendency for anomalous eutecticformation, the remelted fraction of the primary eutectic was analyzedsystematically based on the eutectic dendrite growth theory. For eutecticalloys with either larger equilibrium solute distribution coefficients orgentle liquidus slopes, the primary eutectic is highly supersaturated withsolute and more prone to remelting. When the eutectic composition is set todifferent values, (e.g. the eutectic point is closer to one phase of theeutectic), the two eutectic phases under rapid growth change their compositionssimultaneously, but their remelted fractions during temperature recalescence donot vary significantly. Three representative binary eutectic alloys Ag-39.9at.%Cu, Ni-19.6at.%P and Pd-16.0at.%P - their eutecticproducts are solid solution-solidsolution, solid solution-stoichiometricintermetallic compoundand stoichiometricintermetallic compound-stoichiometric intermetallic compound, respectively,were solidified at large undercooling. Anomalous eutectics were observed in thefirst two eutectic alloys whose eutectic structure consists of at least onesolid solution phase, whereby the stoichiometric intermetallic compound phase remainedhighly oriented whereas the solid solution phase had a near random distributionof orientations. For the Pd-16.0at.%P alloy, however, the primary eutecticretained its original morphology as the final solidification structureregardless of the degree of undercooling. All these experimental results validatethe argument that anomalous eutectics result from the remelting of the primarysolid. 


上一条:[新华网]澳新南威尔士大学和上海交大共建太空先进材料创新中心 下一条:[学者笔谈]李金富:工科基础研究